our ‘Dreams board'

Upside-down: After 20 years of shows, gigs, and other events, after the “golden decade” of the amazing ‘80s, under the direction of Tenax Firenze (from 1996 to 2005/6) and with many other important start ups of the Italian national clubbing, one might expect us to finally choose a comfortable home.

No way! Lock, stock and barrel, friends on a traveling caravan, giving vent to the several crazy Peter Pan and street urchins inside us, representing the ideas that evoke magic and adventure: the circus. It's for the honor of the circus that used to keep us on the edge of our seat that we lost, and need to recover.

A world that is disappearing but sometimes lives up to our dreams: with some odd character and together with an Indian "redskin" hunting his bisons, together with an old artisan that still works by hand, together with a turtle who doesn’t know the plastic, and so on, it's hard to list.


"We don’t know where we’ll go, but we’ll have fun along the way."